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Vacuum tyre precautions and cold patching methods

14 Jul 2017

Caution: vacuum tyres have many advantages, but they are not perfect. There are still some places to pay attention to when choosing and using them.

1. the required air pressure must be maintained

Tubeless tires for high quality rubber manufacturing, good flexibility, flexibility, pressure range, even if the tire pressure is very high, there is no ordinary tires that stiff feeling, so the pressure check should use barometer. In addition to the tire is inserted, tubeless tires generally do not self deflated, so when inflated with a barometer to check, and maintain the required pressure, must not be like ordinary tires, as if by feeling to determine whether the air.

2. no pressure, not suitable for overloading. Vacuum tire wear resistance, but not pressure, especially for the majority of China's Heavy Truck Overload exists in this special situation, too much overloading is not suitable for the use of vacuum tires. Some heavy-duty trucks will guide the rotation into the vacuum tire, behind the main driving wheel bearing still use ordinary steel wire tire, which guarantees the carrying capacity, and improve the driving comfort, but also can be regarded as a good way to compromise.

3. tubeless tire in use to avoid being sharp items, stab puncture, avoid contact with acid, alkali, oil stain will accelerate the decomposition of rubber. The tires should be kept clean to prevent aging and prolong service life.

4. tubeless tires on asphalt, cement pavement adaptability is better, even if the road has water, but also maintain a strong adhesion, with good stability. But to the soil road surface, especially muddy road surface, adhesion is small, stability is bad. Motorcycles using tubeless tires are best used in urban areas and are not suitable for driving on suburban roads.

5., repair more trouble, high cost. Once the vacuum tire punctured, patching up more trouble, a vacuum tire repair cost is tubeless tire are also much higher. Guangdong, Fujian area of the garage is more, so the use of vacuum tire is widely used, but other local repair shop is not many, many drivers worry no place to tire repair, so the other region is relatively less used.

After a tire puncture repair tool available for repair, if the motorcycle repair repair department does not have the conditions, you can do it yourself cold repair cold glue, the method is:

1. remove the wheel and lift off the tire. The best tyre with bamboo pry side, on both sides to the middle to tire pressure can gently hold, be careful not to break the tire edge two.

2. will be broken at the foreign body after cleaning, in the fetus with sandpaper will be broken around the hair, coated with cold glue (can be painted more, but only painted once) to 5 minutes, -7 minutes, with a large cold film affixed to the fetus can. If the vehicle speed is higher, it can be made up of double layers with cold to improve the strength of the repair, and the two layers of cold patching film of the same size should be adhered to the inner symmetry position to keep the wheel balance.

3., after installing a tire, such as artificial ventilation, began to fierce, and strive to quickly the fetus on both sides of the charging and sealing, fitted with valve needle hit the specified pressure, and then tighten the valve needle. Final check, if not leak, can be installed and used.
